Trip to Panama: Health

What do you need to know about health, prevention, doctors and clinics in Panama? Health care for traveling to Panama
Unterwegs in Panama

Health care

What do you need to know about doctors & clinics in Panama?

Healthcare for travelers in Panama

During the pandemic, Panama largely closed the country. Many things are now open again and you can travel easily again.

Panama is a tropical country and therefore you are not 100% spared from tropical diseases, although there have not been any major problems for a long time. You should still think about precautions and perhaps have some emergency medication with you.

A yellow fever vaccination is recommended in any case, although not mandatory. All “normal” standard vaccinations should also be updated before the trip.
International health insurance should always be taken out; users of private health insurance should inquire beforehand.

Panama has very good healthcare, at least in the capital, with high-standard private clinics. Therefore, there are many tourists who fly to Panama for medical or surgical treatment.

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