
Travel Costa Rica with alautentico - the guarantee for a spectacular trip

Hotel recommendations in Costa Rica

We travel all year round and look at hotels, put them through their paces and present the most exclusive accommodation options in Costa Rica. Exclusive - why? There are such spectacular, special lodges here, some with such a fantastic concept, that we have to make a selection. This is changing and we continually adapt our offerings on our numerous trips. But here are the best. In which relationship? Very different: location, service, the family behind it, nature or even luxury. Often several factors are met.
We make no claim to completeness and if you have a special tip for us - please let us know, we will check every recommendation personally.
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September 06, 2012
Posadas and hotels in the Central Valley The central valley is the center of all economic,...

weiterlesen... Hotels in the...

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September 06, 2012
Posadas and hotels in the north Arenal, La Fortuna, Rincon de la vieja, Monteverde, Boca Tapada,...

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September 22, 2012
Recommended hotels on the northern Pacific coast Here you will find some of the hotels and lodges...

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September 11, 2012
Recommended Hotels, Central Pacific Coast Geographically and politically, the southern tip of the...

weiterlesen... Central...

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September 06, 2012
Hotels in the South Pacific The southern Pacific, also called "Zona sur", is very attractive It...

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September 10, 2012
Posadas & Lodges on the Caribbean Coast The Caribbean coast of Costa Rica is vacation with a lot...

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30 Years of experience
At Alautentico we have gained a lot of experience.
  • 4m+ satisfied
  • 58 individual
  • 44 close
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