
Subscribe to our Newsletter

Order Costa Rica newsletter

Here you can quickly and easily order our irregular information about us and our target regions. We put together a colorful program with current information, present new and old projects, new ideas and our partners in Costa Rica, Panama and Guatemala.


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And you can see the past publications here:

our 1st newsletter from May 2020

2. Newsletter alautentico and Posada Nena

3. Alautentico Newsletter

4. Alautentico Newsletter

5. Alautentico Newsletter

6. Information letter from Alautentico

7. Informationen aus Costa Rica

8. neue Ziele und Entdeckungen in Costa Rica

9. after a longer broadcast break

10. News from Costa Rica

11. Goodbye 2021

12. Newsletter from Costa Rica

13th newsletter from April 30, 2023

14. Newsletter from CR and Panama from August 23

Overview of all information sent to this mailing list:

collected newsletters from Costa Rica

Our team

Alautentico has been around for over 25 years now - we started in Venezuela and have been in Costa Rica since 2009. Our goal is to show our guests the real, authentic country - unadulterated and genuine, as it really is.
We travel a lot so that all information is always up to date.

Contact Us

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Please let us know your email address.
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Please let us know your message.
25 Years of experience
At Alautentico we have gained a lot of experience.
  • 4m+ satisfied
  • 58 individual
  • 44 close
    partner hotels

Order Costa Rica newsletter

Here you can quickly and easily order our irregular information about us and our target regions.

We put together a colorful program with current information, present new and old projects, new ideas and our partners in Costa Rica, Panama and Guatemala.

Order here

collected newsletters from Costa Rica


costa rica travel

Email: info@alautentico.com

Tel: +506 2282-1173 (Spanish)