

der Tortuguero Nationalpark


alautentico tours SA (Alegre Bed & Breakfast)
Cédula jurídica: 3-101-403520
Tel: +506 2282-1173

Responsible for the content:

Volker Alsen

Av. 7, between calle 2 and 4
10901 Santa Ana
Costa Rica
volker (at) alautentico.com
Tel: +506 2282-1173

For technical support and other inquiries, please use the contact form.


References and links:

When linking to third-party content, we expressly declare that we do not adopt the content of the third-party content as our own. If the content of external websites is illegal, please let us know. We will then remove the link after checking it.


The copyright and usage rights for texts, graphics, images and design are protected by copyright. Third-party trademarks mentioned are recognized by alautentico and are only mentioned for informal reasons.

Storage of data:

In connection with your access to the alautentico offering, data is temporarily stored and processed that may allow identification. They are only permanently stored in anonymized form and evaluated for statistical purposes. In addition, personal information will only be transferred if you specifically and knowingly provide us with such information for specific purposes.

Data transfer:

Telecommunications secrecy also fundamentally protects your email content and form entries from unauthorized access and processing. We can ensure your compliance with alautentico. However, we would like to point out that data transmissions over the Internet can generally be recorded by other Internet operators and users.

Important note: Despite careful monitoring and constant checking, no responsibility can be accepted for links to external homepages.
In its judgment dated May 12, 1998, the Hamburg Regional Court decided that by providing a link, one may also be responsible for the contents of the linked page. According to the LG, this can only be prevented by expressly distancing oneself from this content.
There are links to other sites on the Internet on alautentico.com.
The following applies to all of these links: We expressly emphasize that we have no influence on the design or content of the linked pages. We therefore hereby expressly distance ourselves from all content of all linked pages on our homepage and do not adopt their content as our own.
This declaration applies to all links on our homepage and to all content of the pages to which the links registered with us lead.

Unfortunately, not all of our partners survived the severe crisis of 2020/21 caused by the global outbreak of the pandemic. Some partners have had to reduce or change their offerings, others have had to close completely.

New offers have appeared elsewhere, and some of our partner hotels have used the time to implement innovations and expand their offerings.

Our team

Alautentico has been around for over 25 years now - we started in Venezuela and have been in Costa Rica since 2009. Our goal is to show our guests the real, authentic country - unadulterated and genuine, as it really is.
We travel a lot so that all information is always up to date.

Contact Us

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25 Years of experience
At Alautentico we have gained a lot of experience.
  • 4m+ satisfied
  • 58 individual
  • 44 close
    partner hotels

Order Costa Rica newsletter

Here you can quickly and easily order our irregular information about us and our target regions.

We put together a colorful program with current information, present new and old projects, new ideas and our partners in Costa Rica, Panama and Guatemala.

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collected newsletters from Costa Rica


costa rica travel

Email: info@alautentico.com

Tel: +506 2282-1173 (Spanish)