SPA Xandari Resort near Alajuela

Xandari, Alajuela, SPA: recommended hotel in the central valley of Costarica. Here is our hotel tip in Alajuela
Luxus Hotel in Costa Rica
  • Level: Ausblick, Luxus, Spa
Preisklasse: $$$$

Xandari Resort & Spa

The Xandari Resort & Spa is a very special place

It is located just 25 minutes from the international airport, high above Alajuela at just over 1200 meters.

Hotel xandari

The hotel offers fantastic views over the entire Central Valley and San Jose. The resort consists of just 22 individually designed bungalows; the altitude guarantees a fantastic climate all year round. All bungalows are surrounded by their own private garden, have a large terrace with a view and a rain shower.

The gourmet restaurant offers indoor or outdoor seating. A lot of local cuisine is used, mixed with international elements. The majority of the ingredients used come from our own organic farming.

Xandari Resort und Spa There are 3 swimming pools, the newest one is directly above the central valley, and many circular paths and forest nature trails complete the picture.

The spa offers the best environment to really have a good time, and numerous tour offers round the whole thing off. The Xandari Resort is very close to the Poás Volcano.

Rooms start at $220 in low season and go up to $420 for the Ultra Plus Bungalows in high season.

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