Pacuare Lodge on the Rio Pacuare

Rafting Lodge in Costa Rica, a great place to combine adventure and luxury
Pacuare Lodge, Costa Rica
  • Course Duration: ab 2 Tage/ 1 Nacht
  • Level: Natur, Abenteuer, spannend
Preisklasse: $$$$

Pacuare Lodge - rafting lodge

Rafting hotel in Costa Rica

This luxury lodge, in the middle of the dense jungle and only accessible by raft (rafting on the Rio Pacuare) or as an exciting ride in an off-road vehicle, is something very special.

But the lodge is also a very cozy place where you can really enjoy yourself with family, friends or even romantically. For newlyweds there is the Honeymoon Suite, and the Lindavista Suites are even more luxurious. The lodge is located in the deepest area of the Cabezar - one of the few tribes in Costa Rica that live out their traditions undisturbed.

Everything here is of the finest quality, the food is gourmet class, and if you wish you can have a candlelight dinner by the jungle river. The wine list is intoxicating, the service is extremely friendly, and the tours are exciting and balanced. Highly recommended.

The overnight stay takes place with arrival from San José and a rafting tour in/out - we are happy to include the Pacuare Lodge at the beginning of a stylish and luxurious tour. Each suite has a slightly different price - it ranges from luxurious to high end - all in the middle of the super intact wilderness of the Rio Pacuare.

It's a little cheaper if you travel there and back by land - but who wants that? You should at least enjoy the journey on the river.

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