The Orosi-Tapantí National Park

Tapanti National Park in Costa Rica
Tapanti Nationalpark in Costa Rica

Tapanti National Park

Tapanti National Park is also called Orosi National Park

It is located near the slope of the Talamanca Cordillera

The Rio Orosi and other rivers flow through the national park. The national park represents a protection zone for the Chrirripo National Park . To reach the national park from San José you first drive through Cartago in the direction of Paraiso , then on to Orosi .

After passing through the town you reach the ranger station (the park is open daily from 5 a.m. to 5 p.m.). The numerous hiking and trekking trails start just above the station. The ranger hands out a map showing the trails. The times range from 20 minutes to 1 hour.

You can reach wild waterfalls and rivers where you can swim wonderfully - you are in the middle of picture-perfect nature.

The park has two different natural habitats. The low tropical rainforest and a mountain rainforest where almost forty different species of mammals have been observed. These include the tapir (Danta), the red brocket (a species of South American deer), the Florida cottontail , the cottontail bear , the white-shouldered capuchin monkey and many more.

Well over 260 species of birds have already been spotted in this national park. Well worth a visit in any case.

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